As with any ministry or business, staff changes are made through the years. For the past two years, Justin Owens, a former BMA pastor and missionary, has served as office manager for the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas Office Building, while earning his degree in computer programming. Recently, Justin informed Heith Mitchell, BMA Texas Missions Director, and me that he would be resigning to accept a position where he could put his degree to work. We are most grateful to Justin for the excellent job he has done and the ministry he has provided to the BMA of Texas during his time with us. In fact, we hate to see him go. Justin has always done his work efficiently and effectively and has been incredibly easy to work with in our office setting. We wish him well as he embarks on a new career adventure.
With Justin’s impending departure, because both BMA Texas Missions and the Baptist Missionary Loan Association have grown in size and responsibility, Bro. Mitchell and I decided that it would be best to divide the responsibilities Justin was fulfilling as office manager for the BMA of Texas Office Building into three positions. First, Doug Strube has been hired as assistant to the BMA Texas Missions Director. Doug handles various projects for Bro. Mitchell on a part-time basis. Doug is a member of Farley Street, Waxahachie, and retired as an engineer. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the BMA Texas Missions office and has superb computer skills. Letty Lopez has been hired as the office manager for BMA Texas Missions. Letty is the wife of David Lopez, pastor of Mensajeros De La Verdad, Bardwell. What a great addition she is to the office building, as she speaks English and Spanish fluently. Most likely, it will be Letty who answers the phone, should you call the BMA Texas Missions line at 972-923-0757. Lisa Maynard, a member of First, Palmer, has been hired as the office manager for the Baptist Missionary Loan Association and Baptist Progress. For the past several years, Lisa has owned and operated her own bookkeeping service in Waxahachie. In addition to her role of office manager of each department, she will assist Cassie Fulton, business manager of the Baptist Missionary Loan Association. Cassie served for eight years as secretary to Bro. Jerry Burnaman, who led the Baptist Missionary Loan Association until the Lord called him home in August 2020. Baptist Missionary Loan Association Trustees promoted Cassie to the position of business manager when they chose to nominate me as the director of the department in September 2020. Should you call Baptist Progress, at 972-923-0756, it will most likely be Lisa’s voice you will hear on the other end of the line. Both Lisa and Cassie answer the Baptist Missionary Loan Association line at 972-923-0758. Bro. Mitchell and I are excited that God has provided such capable team members as we seek to serve the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association to the best of our abilities. Please pray for Doug, Letty and Lisa as they begin their work with us. Comments are closed.
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