Demographic Information:
Baptist Progress reaches a subscription base of approximately 4,000 households monthly. The majority of subscribers to Baptist Progress are members of the approximately 400 Baptist Missionary Association churches in Texas.
Readers of Baptist Progress look to the newspaper to educate, inform and inspire them. As an advertiser, partnering with Baptist Progress may be one of the most effective ways for businesses and individuals to reach their customers. Advertising Policy:
The advertisement pricing shall be set by church messengers upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees at each annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas.
Ministry advertising
Advertisements shall be accepted that is supportive of and not in direct competition with associational departments and programs.
Advertisements from departments and programs of the Baptist Missionary Association of America that are in direct competition with departments and programs of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas shall not be published. Advertising by or in behalf of churches shall be limited to Baptist Missionary Association churches. Baptist Progress reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason at any time, including but not limited to any advertisement which in the opinion of the editor does not conform to the editorial or graphic standards or the purpose of the publication. The editor and others of the staff will use their best judgment so as to maintain the integrity of Baptist Progress in the implementation of this policy. Baptist Progress reserves the right to place the words “advertisement” or “paid advertisement” or other identifying terms on any advertisement. Baptist Progress will accept paid classified advertising by churches seeking pastors and staff and by people seeking ministerial and other positions, but such advertising will be limited to basic information concerning the position and person. Advertisements of an evangelistic ministry, music group or parachurch ministry that is directed by or includes a member of a Baptist Missionary Association church and is endorsed by a local Baptist Missionary Association church will be accepted for publication in Baptist Progress. (This does not include ministries such as Samaritan’s Purse or Feed the Children that are simply supported by or involve individuals within the Baptist Missionary Association). The advertisement must be for a cause or product that directly involves a member of a Baptist Missionary Association church in the administration of such cause or product. Advertising of evangelistic crusades, revivals, concerts, etc. shall be confined to those in which Baptist Missionary Association churches are participating. Events sponsored by the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention that are agreed upon by, offered to and/or involve churches and departments of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas may be advertised in Baptist Progress. Commercial advertising
Advertisements shall be accepted that is supportive of and not in direct competition with associational departments and programs.
Types of Advertising: Display ads are available in a variety of sizes and color options. Baptist Progress can design ads, which includes writing copy and scanning photos, if needed. Classified advertising is available in Baptist Progress. Categories include, but are not limited to, Church Personnel and Positions, Furnishings, For Sale and Miscellaneous. Prices: Half page (10.5 x 5.75 w/border) Rate (color) $300 Fourth page (5.25 x 5.75 w/border) Rate (color) $150 Classified (Up to 7 lines w/o border) Rate $15 Personnel & Positions ads are simple uniform ads Rate $15 |