BMA of Texas Coordinating Committee to Propose Changes to the BMA of Texas Constitution and Bylaws10/25/2023
The BMA of Texas Coordinating Committee will recommend changes concerning the Coordinating Committee's responsibilities and membership at the 2023 BMA of Texas Meeting.
Coordinating Committee members agree that a 21 member committee is much too large to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the committee. Therefore, the committee will propose reducing the size of the committee from 21 members to 11 members. Also to guard the BMA of Texas (A Corporation) from any legal action that might be taken against a single department of the BMA of Texas, to establish the fact that each department is its own corporation with trustees elected by the association to govern the affairs of each department, and to further clarify that the Coordinating Committee has no oversight authority over any department of the association, changes to wording concerning the responsibilities of the committee will also be proposed. New proposed wording is in red below and wording the committee will propose to be removed is in light gray. Section 3. The Coordinating Committee. A. A standing committee composed of the president, first vice-president, and second vice-president of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas, a representative of the state WMA (elected by the state WMA), nine three members elected from the floor, and the director of each department, and one trustee from each department shall serve as the Coordinating Committee. Coordinating Committee members elected from the floor may not be a member of any other standing committee. In the event the director of a department is unable to attend a meeting, he may appoint an individual to attend in his place. B. Members elected from the floor will serve for a three (3) year term with the elections staggered so the terms of three (3) members one (1) member expires each year. These members may be re-elected once, not to exceed six consecutive years. Two or more people who are members of the same church may not be elected from the floor to serve on this committee. C. This committee shall (1) serve in an advisory capacity to the department directors concerning business of the Association; (2) coordinate the work of the department directors in areas of dual responsibility and endeavor concerning business of the Association; (3) plan and participate in the program of the regular and special sessions of the Association; (4) plan, promote, and publicize the goals and ministries of the Association; (5) present nominees to the association to serve on the Nominating Committee. This committee has no oversight authority over any department of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas as each department is governed by its own trustees who are elected by the Association. NOTE: Should these amendments pass, then one member will be elected from the floor to serve on the committee with term to expire in 2024, one with term to expire in 2025, and one with term to expire in 2026. Comments are closed.
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